I think it's about time someone send me to a therapist. But who in their right minds will bother?
I feel poisoned lately... firstly due to my sister's cooking for her test. The nightmare will end June 2 so I'm begging for it to arrive quickly. What to know how 'awesome' it is? I bit into a tempura and it was cold, hard and the prawn remained intact after 2 bites. The cold noodle wasn't cold and the sauce was salty like the dead sea. I nearly cried...
Me: Is cooking demoralising?
(Sis shakes head)
Me: It will be
Had a horrible matcha latte yesterday at Starbucks. Never EVER drink a ice matcha latte. The frappe and hot are good and makes you feel less poisoned.
I still love American Idol. The songs are awesome!!!! I can't wait for next season and I can't wait til I'm eligible to audition in Singapore. We'll see. And for all you American Idol lovers out there, watch youtube videos of Kara Diogaurdi, Allison Iraheta and Kris Allen on The Ellen Degeneres Show.
Thinking back, term 2 started off very horribly. I re-read my earlier blog post for the start of the term and I witnessed again the result of compressing emotion. If you feel the need to explode all your emotions, do it healthy. Try this. For all those sports people, go run or go gym or something sporty. Sports is said to release "feel good hormones". For more angsty people like me, write out your anger and frustration and burn it or tear it. IT WORKS AND FEELS REALLY GOOD TO DESTROY STUFF!!! But make sure people know how you are feeling because you dont want to repeat the incident again.
As the term went I think I felt better and then Ms Chia found out about something which was quite old news and etc... Then we had midyears which sucked for most of us except for Le Yong, Shannon and JJ Lum (but seriously they are not human. And one of the 3 do not deserve human rights. BTW: Just kidding Lumz).
After exams were worst, Hongkiat did a great job of making the class shirt. And we all had a say of how we looked at the back. I had a gun and a knife and crosses for my eyes which I thought were really cool. Ironically, we ended up doing more work during lessons than before exams.
Right now, I feel great (except for the poisoned food which I just ate)! And I'm ready for term 3. As long as I dont pass out again during assembly. Yes, I didn't raise flag because I nearly passed out. And yes, that was on Thursday. And yes, I am that weak
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