Friday, June 5, 2009

School's Out

After like 11 weeks of hell (school, work, family stuff, etc) I'm finally feel to do whatever I wanna do. I can stay up blogging, playing Pandemic 2 (which is like really fun and everyone should try it at least once).

But I'm here at home blogging and watching the ultimatum while Nevin, Blum, HK and moses are at Haagen Dazs having fun chatting. They just webcamed me. says:
okay says:
what's happening? says:
nevin's making weird faces says:
now all of you are making weird faces says:

I wanna get out of the house again. Maybe I'll go hereen tomorrow. But go so many AAs!!! Sianz...

Sup classes for the whole week was really long and draggy. I think Mr Fong lost it in the weekend cause he came back a little weird (Hello kettle, this is Sean, you're black). He now keeps this ridiculous log book.

I'm now trying to gain weight so that I can buy more clothes in London. It's tiring and oh-so-ugly fitting into children's department all the time. I doubt I will be able to due to my insane metabolic rate but maybe after this I'll get Macs. Or Not.

Oh and notes to all ex-RC players: You can now rate other people's restaurants and people can rate yours. But the game is still the same just with more stuff.

Guitar lessons are great but I'm back to a stand-still. Different songs, same chords, same pattern, gets boring. I'm trying my hand back at songwriting and composing while learning scales. I guess that will be one of my goals for the rest of the year.

Speaking of goals of the year I have list down several things I want to do
Stop failing Chinese (Impossible rating: 20/10)
Stop borderline passing Bio (Impossible rating: 19/10)
Get good enough grades to go to Boston at the end of the year (Impossible rating: 100/10)
Gain weight, I have no idea how to do that other than eating (Impossible rating: 50/10)
Get back to songwriting and composing (Impossible rating: 10/10)
Be less emo, which is surprisingly easy to do now (Impossible rating: 8/10)

I recall the time Blum dared me to stab myself (which I probably would have done) but I wonder who else would. Oh and I think that I would post note on facebook and see how many likes and comments I would get for the fun of it.
Haha. Happy Holidays however you may spent it. And to those at LLTC, well I have nothing to say.

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