Saturday, July 11, 2009

Must be Mosey

I spent a large amount of today talking to Moses the hillarious full of shit one. He's got fever so we chatted more than a normal human would in one day. So here enjoy this weird conver, editted of course. says:
anyway sean' says:
so hosanna says:
you know smth? says:
what? says:
i dont know anything says:
hmm well being a christian says:
i experienced smth last night says:
i dk why im sharing this with u lol says:
prob cuz bryan is not online. says:
but says:
u see, when i read th bible, doing my odb
odb stands for our daily bread anw
at the end of th page was a song: Sing, O sing of my Redeemer,
With His blood He purchased me;
On the cross He sealed my pardon,
Paid the debt and made me free. —Bliss
and after reading that song
i was filled with so much joy in my heart, th feeling was indescribable
at that pt, all u wanna do is t praise GOd srsly
but i dont speak in tongues so i just sang hosanna lol
and when i closed my eyes
there was this light thingy
that was srsly bright
and in case u dint noe
th lights in my room cld nvr produce that blinding light
but what was best
was inside my heart
for i knew th holy spirit had come
and the happiness inside my heart was immense.
this was all felt
in spite of my 38.7 degree fever man
i was still aching all over
i was still coughing like a dog
but really, i nvr felt happier in my life.
ok im done LD

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