James Bond is sometimes too serious & you get lost after awhile on who's who, who's evil, who's acting evil, who's the double crosser or who's lying about being a double crosser... (I NEED A WAKE UP BUZZER!!!). Austin Powers & Johnny English really suck at protecting the world but good at comedy. Finally, Steve Carell gives a balance...
*Beware Spoilers ahead* *Highlight to see*
The movie is a film adaptation of a comedy series (also called Get Smart) about spies. It features Maxwell Smart/Agent 86 (Steve Carell) who is an aspiring agent. Once he gets the job, he pairs up with Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway) who thinks Maxwell lacks experience & *BAMF* comedy ensues while they kick butt (and stare...) to prevent a group of terrorist from killing the president with Ode To Joy.
The film has lots of humour, some weird, others not so bad, and lots hilarious. It's not unforgettable but hey, at least it can stay in our memory for a bit and we have contagious laughter for a month...
Good news:
Very Excellent Casting: Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Terrence Stamp, Masi Oka (Casting IS IMPORTANT)
Masi Oka (we need a geek in a nerd film like this, who better than Mr. (YATTA!)
Bad News:
Kinda lame at points
Some of WTF?? Moments
So grading sheet:
Storyline: 17/20
Elements of a show: 24/30
Total: 41/50 (A-) Not bad but can be better.
Get Smart is now in cinemas.
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