Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Questions We Ask But No One Really Knows Why (Even If People Come Up With False Answers Just To Look Smart)

1) Why are round pizzes served in a square box?
2) Why is there a term 'sleep like a baby' if a baby wakes up and cry every two hours in the middle of the night?
3) If shampoo comes in so many colors, why is the lather on your head always white?
4) Seeing as cupid is so good at matchmaking, does he have a girlfriend?
5) If the police see some one committing a crime but are on there way to investigate a crime do they stop or go to the one they were on their way to?
6) If the weather man says "it's a 50% chance of rain" does that mean he has no idea if its going to rain or not?
7) If people with one arm go to get their nails done, do they pay half price?
8) If someone crashes his or her car on purpose, why is it still a car accident?
9) If you died on the International Dateline, and half of you were on 1 side and the other half on the other side, what day would you die?
10) When lightning strikes the ocean why don't all the fish die?
11) If a criminal turns himself in shouldn't he get the reward money?
12) If you took a compass to outer space would it still point "magnetic north"? Is there still a north, south, east, and west in space?
13) When you see the weather report and it says "partly cloudy" and then the next day it says "partly sunny"; what’s the difference?
14) Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed?
15) If you were born exactly on 12:00 midnight on December 31st – January 1st, which year would you say you were born in?
16) Why are there black lines on a basketball?
17) If CD’s were spun in the opposite direction, would it say everything backwards?
18) How do they get the air inside the bubble wrap?
19) If the S.W.A.T team comes to your house and breaks down your door, do they replace it later?
20) How can a person be so bored, he searches the internet for the weirdest things, makes a list of it and post it on his blog?

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