Monday, April 16, 2007

Camp Wannaweep or Jumpforjoy? (Orientation Camp)

Great. Just great. They had to start the year with a camp! Please let us sleep inside the school. I thought to myself as I stared at the school diary. Fortunately, I was able to postpone my 'fate' for a week, giving me time to prepare. Like a toddler entering a haunted house, I dreaded each passing day. On the day of the camp, I wore a fake smile on my face, trying to stay optimistic, unaware of the 'dangers' lurking in the shadows for the Secondary Ones of Saint Josephs Institution...
How bad could the camp be, right? I told myself before the camp while my classmates expressed their excitement in many ways. My heart raced as the PSL (Peer Surport Group) arrived. Imagine the PSL as dinosaurs about to prey on chickens, which are the Secondary Ones by the way, then you would know how I felt. To contrust on what I felt, the PSL were nice people, like vegetarain dinosaur. One PSL by the name of Johnny related to me quite well, like birds of a feather. He treated me like his younger brother while I looked up to him as my elder brother. I was lucky that he was in charge of my group. Plus, there was another PSL who shared my interest in music. Jarrold, that was his name, was also in hockey, the CCA (co-curricular I was planning to join). He was not around most of the time, due to hockey tournaments, but when he was, he always brought life to the dead. The only disadvantage about him is he is sometimes strict. Timothy was the final PSL in charged of my group. Although he was in different class as Jarrold and Johnny, he fit in quite well not only with them but also with us. I still see them often but we do not engage in long conversations, maybe a hello or quick question.
The camp was enjoyable, on the contary to my thoughts. My vast knowledge of music paid off like a charm. Many of the songs sung during the camp, I have either heard of or knew almost by heart, giving me no problem in singing along. The activities were fun and rewarding too. Many of my classmates had a little leadership qualities in them. Maybe my form teacher would have a hard time choosing the class chairman once I retired.
The camp had almost all good points. Even three months after the camp, I cannot find any bad points. Friendship, trust and co-operation was both put to the test and gained. I found myself saying something I never thought I would say. I dreaded to enter but dreaded to leave as well.

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